Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry's voluntary initiative to foster safe management of chemicals and continually improve the environmental, health,safety and security (EHS&S) performance of our processes, operations and products.
Beginning in Canada in 1985, today, Responsible Care® is practiced in nearly 70 global economies. The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) oversees the global Responsible Care® initiative through its Responsible Care® Leadership Group (RCLG), made up of national association and member company representatives.As one of the founding members of ICCA RCLG, AICM actively participates international conferences and keeps good relationships with other associations.
Through Responsible Care®, chemical manufacturers and national chemical industry associations and others in the chemical supply chain commit to improving performance, engaging with stakeholders to understand their concerns about industry operations and products, promoting transparency to build trust with stakeholders, and working with commercial partners to extend the Responsible Care®ethic throughout the value chain.
For the individual company, implementation of Responsible Care® leads to improved efficiency, lower environment, health and safety costs and improved relations with stakeholders. For the global chemical industry, successful implementation of Responsible Care® demonstrates an appropriate public policy which protects its license to operate and its ability to innovate and meet society's demands for its products. For the public, successful implementation of Responsible Care® ensures that the chemical industry will continue to provide beneficial products to society and continually reduce its impacts, while maximizing its positive contributions to human health, the economy and society.
Responsible Care® Global Charter
First published in 2006 and updated in 2014, the Responsible Care® Global Charter outlines the global chemical industry's unifying commitment to the safe management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, while promoting their role in improving quality of life and contributing to sustainable development.
CEO signatories to the Charter commit to actively strengthen Responsible Care® worldwide by aligning their company, people, technologies and business practices to the Charter's six Key Elements.
Enable a corporate leadership culture that supports safe chemicals management;
Safeguard people and the environment through continuous process improvement;
Strengthen chemical management systems around the world;
Influence business partners to transparently report progress;
Engage stakeholders to promotechemical safety;
Contribute to sustainability.
CEO signatories to the Charter commit to actively strengthen Responsible Care® worldwide by aligning their company, people, technologies and business practices to the Charter's six Key Elements.
Enable a corporate leadership culture that supports safe chemicals management;
Safeguard people and the environment through continuous process improvement;
Strengthen chemical management systems around the world;
Influence business partners to transparently report progress;
Engage stakeholders to promotechemical safety;
Contribute to sustainability.
ICCA's Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)
ICCA's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reporting tool enables national associations to work with companies in their regions to collect and report data on industry performance metrics related to:
Workplace Safety;
Energy and Water Consumption;
CO2 Emissions;
Process Safety Incidents.
As ICCA permanent observer, AICM actively follows this initiatives since 2010.Links
ICCA (International Council of Chemical Associations)
Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council)
American Chemistry CouncilGermany
Verband der Chemischen IndustrieFrance
Union de Industries ChimiquesCanada
Chemistry Industry Association of CanadaSweden
Swedish Plastics & Chemicals FederationSwitzerland
Scienceindustries – Business Association Chemistry Pharma BiotechUnited Kingdom
Chemical Industries AssociationSingapore
Singapore Chemical Industry CouncilJapan
Japan Chemical Industry AssociationSouth Korea
Korea Responsible Care CounciAustralia
Australia Plastics and Chemicals Industries AssociationChinese Taiwan
Taiwan Responsible Care Association